Hatchimals CA Tracker

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StoreProduct TitleStatusPriceLast Avail
Walmart CAPenguala - Pink/Teal EggSold OutSee site
Walmart CAPenguala - Pink EggSold OutSee site
Walmart CABurtle - Purple/Teal Egg - Walmart ExclusiveSold OutSee site
Walmart CADraggle - Blue/Purple EggSold OutSee site
Walmart CADraggle - Blue/Green EggSold OutSee site
Amazon CAPenguala - Pink EggSold Out- - -
Amazon CAPenguala - Pink/Teal EggSold Out- - -
Amazon CADraggle - Blue/Green EggSold Out- - -
Amazon CADraggle - Blue/Purple EggSold Out- - -
  Check your local store inventories       Landing page     | "Last Avail" is in EST time     |   no sound alert
ebayHatchimals - all models  In Stock$ $ $04-23 22:06

Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on Amazon.com or other retailer's at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product. zooLert.com is a participant in the Amazon.com Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. As an Amazon Associate zooLert.com earns from qualifying purchases.
This tracker page contains affiliate (#CommissionsEarned) links, meaning, if you click through and make a purchase or sign up for a program, zooLert.com may earn a commission. This is at no additional cost to you. The purchaser (you) are responsible to verify the pricing and availability before completing the purchase. For more detail about zooLert's affiliate advertising programs, check it here.
This tracker only alerts you when your item is available in stock or preorder. zooLert.com doesn't do price tracking and/or price alerting.

Hatchimals Recent In Stock History (Time - EST)

StoreProduct TitleIn Stock &
Time (EST)
Amazon CAPenguala - Pink Egg -- $79.9709-06-17 16:17
Amazon CADraggle - Blue/Green Egg -- $80.0009-06-17 16:17
Amazon CADraggle - Blue/Purple Egg -- $84.9909-06-17 0:17
16h 0m
Amazon CADraggle - Blue/Green Egg -- $80.0009-04-17 16:17
1d 8h 0m
Amazon CAPenguala - Pink Egg -- $79.9709-02-17 16:17
3d 8h 0m
Amazon CADraggle - Blue/Purple Egg -- $84.9909-02-17 16:17
2d 16h 0m

Hatchimals CA Tracker Suggestions

When an item is HOT and HARD TO FIND, leave the tracker, or your custom tracker running on your computer, tablet or mobile device. It auto refreshes every minute and this method is even faster than TXT and email alerts.

Note: Remember to turn on sound alerts!
To turn on sound, click the "off" button until you see the speaker icon "on", then choose one of our fun "Zoo Animal" sounds such as a "bird", "lion" or "rooster".
To turn off sound, click the "on" button until you see the speaker icon "off"
Have your computer / mobile device set to where it doesn't go to sleep and keep the tracker on.

If you have a problem with sound using Chrome browser on mobile devices. Try Firefox, IE, Safari or other browsers.
If you have a problem with setting up alerts or did not receive any TXT alert. Read our FAQ.
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